
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Computing at St Mary's

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination." Albert Einstein



Our Computing curriculum at St Mary’s is designed to create digitally literate children, through providing an education that teaches both computer science, in which children are taught the fundamental principles of computing, alongside encouraging them to use different forms of digital media and devices to express themselves

Our units are sequenced and progressive, giving particular attention to fundamental concepts and are built on prior knowledge. This curriculum will introduce some children to the world of computing, whilst enhancing the skills others may already have. We believe it is vital to prepare our children for their future endeavours, by equipping them with a computing curriculum that is rich in fundamental computer sciences, together with the confidence to use their practical skills to become active participants in the digital world.



Computing at St Mary’s is supported by iCompute which is a broad, balanced and rich scheme that covers the National Curriculum. The three strands within the curriculum are: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy (including E-safety). iCompute is taught in 30 minute sessions which provides children with the time to develop their knowledge, skills and vocabulary within Computing. The Computing curriculum is supported through long term plans, knowledge organisers, unit overviews, short term planning and assessment tools to ensure children show progress.

An imperative part of our computing curriculum is teaching the children to use technology safely, in which we use a pupil-centred approach at St Mary’s. What do the pupils of St Mary’s need to know about digital safety? Children will be educated in the importance of E-Safety, according to their individual/class needs; this will be done from EYFS to Year 6, with a clear progression of skills throughout. Issues that are age-related will be addressed in each year group, which we will engage parents in also, where necessary. Our children will be aware of who can they can speak to for help and support, should they have any concerns, or recognise unacceptable behaviour online. Cyber-bullying is discussed during Safer Internet Day and Anti-Bullying Week.

We also believe it is important for children to become accustomed to technological language, therefore teachers are encouraged to use topic-specific language and vocabulary. To fully enrich our children in the realistic world of technology, local experts will be invited into school, to enhance their learning experience, which will support our journey in creating competent and confident creative users of information and communication technology.



The curriculum intent states that it is accessible for all groups and it is intended that all children can access it. By following and monitoring the curriculum and its delivery, leaders are supported by iCompute in ensuring that all teachers teach the full range of lessons for each year group and that they are taught in accordance with the planning to ensure consistency, challenge and inclusion. Children that leave St Mary’s, will be safe and responsible users of information technology, that are able to participate, understand and transform, a rapidly changing world.
