
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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RSE Implementation

RSE is taught as explicit lessons, as well as, other areas of the curriculum and day-to-day life of the school . 

Children are taught by familiar adults who they have a good rapport with, in order to facilitate constructive and supportive discussions around sensitive topics in a safe and secure environment. Staff have received in-house and online CPD (via Ten:Ten) to support them in responding to the needs of the individual child and support children with any questions or concerns they may have. If staff feel uncomfortable or unsure when delivering the RSE curriculum or dealing with individual pupil needs, they know where to seek advice and support. The RSE curriculum has been mapped out to ensure coverage of all of the statutory elements by the end of the primary phase. These are delivered at the appropriate stage for our children and is supported specifically by a very thorough, spiral programme of learning from Ten:Ten - Life to the Full.

Our high expectations of behaviour, interpersonal relationships, respect and tolerance of others reflect the British Values upheld in both our community and the wider world. Through our rigorous and progressive curriculum, children develop key skills and are prepared for the wider world beyond primary school.


RSE is taught in three modules across the primary school from EYFS to UKS2:

Module 1: Created and Loved by God

Module 2: Created to Love Others

Module 3: Created to Live in Community
