Aims and Intents
At St Mary’s, we want all children to be equipped with the skills and confidence to become fluent, accurate and enthusiastic readers. We want to establish good phonetical knowledge starting in EYFS and KS1 so that children can develop a love of reading as they progress through KS2. Children at St Mary’s need enthusiastic teachers who inspire them to read, as well as carefully planned lessons and interventions to close any gaps and ensure that progress is good.
Our PE lessons are planned using the Get Set 4 PE platform, which aligns with our core values, our whole child approach to PE and the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum. Get Set 4 PE is planned so that progression is built into the scheme which ensures our children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school.
PE lessons encourage children to compete against themselves and others whilst being challenged to improve their physical, social, emotional and thinking skills. These skills are embedded in the heart of our planning. Our objectives in the teaching of PE align with the National Curriculum in that we aim to ensure all pupils:
PE curriculum map 23-24