
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Year Two

Welcome to Year 2!


Our Class Page


Welcome to the class page for Year 2! We are proud to be a class of polite, hard-working children who try our best in all aspects of school life. If your child is in Year 2 then please familiarise yourself with this page as it will let you know the various activities the class are currently involved in.


Throughout this year, we will build on the experience, knowledge and skills we gained last year to secure the Key Stage 1 standards. Some of us will be building on these basic skills before beginning our Year 3 learning!


Please have a look around our class page to find out what we are learning about in each subject and see what we're getting up to!


Miss McHale, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Keeton heart

    K E N Y A



    How is living in Kenya similar and different to living in the UK?

    This unit of study draws on the ‘place knowledge’ strand of the national curriculum for Key Stage 1. Within this strand pupils are required to understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country. The unit also draws on the ‘human and physical geography’ strand of the national curriculum by teaching pupils the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and by building on their vocabulary of geographical terms.



    Our Learning Journey!


    Lesson 1 - Where in the world is Kenya?

    Lesson 2 - What is the climate like in Kenya?

    Lesson 3 - What is the landscape of Kenya like?

    Lesson 4 - What is it like to live in rural Kenya?

    Lesson 5 - What is it like to live in urban Kenya?

    Lesson 6 - What are the similarities and differences between Kenya and the UK?





    Key Vocabulary!





    Your child will now bring a banded book home with them every day from school. They will also bring a Phonics book if they are still receiving Phonics support in school. Please read their book with them as often as you can and write how they've done in their reading record.




    Here are some questions you could ask your child to check their understanding:

    • Where did ...?
    • When did ...?
    • Who did ... ?
    • Why was ... feeling ... ?
    • Why did ... happen?
    • Why did ... say ... ?
    • What happened when ...?
    • How does ... make you feel?



    Homework is sent out on a Friday and should be brought back into school by the following Wednesday.

    Spellings are sent out on a Monday and will be tested on a Friday in school.


    Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays, please remember the correct kit for 5 dojo's!

    Our Immersive Classroom!
