
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Year Four

Welcome to Year 4

Our class page!


Welcome back!

Wow! We are already in the last term of Year 4! What an amazing year we have had so far!  I hope that you have all had a great half term, and are ready to get stuck into our Times Table Check and you are ready to show off your amazing skills!



Teacher: Mrs. Brocklehurst

Teaching Assistants: Miss Goodfellow and Miss Derbyshire


Times Tables

We have been preparing really hard for our times tables check, and now is the time to really show how hard you have all been working.  The times tables check will be completed week commencing 10th June, so make sure that you continue to practice and work on your speed.  Don't forget Times Tables Rock Star is a great way you can increase your knowledge but also improve your speed.  Can you become a Rock Hero? 


Useful websites for children to practice their times tables:

Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (           

 Times Tables – multiplication check

Multiplication Tables Check - 2023 -



In Topic this term, we are going to be Geographers!


We are going to look at the question ‘Which countries are in Europe and what are they like?'


This is an exciting topic where we will explore different countries in Europe, looking at both physical and human features.  We would love to fill our topic wall with pictures from different countries in Europe, if you have friends, family, or know anything about these countries it would be great for the children to bring them in and share with the class. 





Important Messages

PE is on a Monday and Tuesday, please make sure that you have your indoor and outdoor kit.


Spellings will be given out on a Friday, with a spelling test the following Friday.  Please ensure that you are practicing these key words. Dojos and prizes to be won for completion and full marks.


Homework will be given out on a Friday, and should be brought back in the following Wednesday.  Homework will often be linked to our times tables as this is a big focus in Y4.  Dojos and prizes up for grabs for homework that is handed in on time.


Reading is very important at St Mary’s and it is just as important at home.  When you read at home and complete your reading record you can collect Dojos which means prizes up for grabs.  Please ensure that you bring your reading book and reading record everyday!  Remember a Reader of the Week certificate is up for grabs!  PRIZES!!!! If you read 5 times at home, you will be entered into a prize draw to win even more goodies!!


UniformWe have a beautiful uniform at St Mary’s and we pride ourselves on our fantastic appearance.  Please make sure you attend school in the correct uniform, always looking lovely and neat!


Please check the ClassDojos for updates on what we have been up to each week.


Y4 timetable - Spring 1
