A really warm welcome to St Mary's website!
The aspirations which we have for our children are high and we strive to encourage each one of them to reach their full potential. Our high expectations start with effective Teaching and Learning, discipline and behaviour. We expect all our staff, pupils and parents to behave in a way that supports respect and understanding for all. We have a no excuses culture across the school and will settle for nothing less than good!
At St Mary's Catholic Primary School, we strive to be the best that we can be, to care for each other and to do our best. We are situated in an ex-mining community on the outskirts of Doncaster in the Diocese of Hallam.
If you are a new parent we would welcome the opportunity for you to come and have a look for yourself to experience the special nurturing atmosphere, warmth and commitment to ensuring that the years spent by pupils in the school are happy and productive.
If you require a paper copy of any policy, please contact the school office.
Best wishes
Mrs Bernadette Nesbit
Executive Headteacher