
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Year Three

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page! 


We are an incredible team of children, taught by Miss Devanney and Mrs Moorhouse!


In Year 3 we always try our hardest to be fabulous role models for our school. We approach our learning with a huge eagerness, always striving to be our best, keeping a positive mindset and never giving up! 


Which countries are in Europe and what are they like?

We are embarking on a geographical journey through Europe this term. We will find out all Europe has to offer and even look at some similarities across countries and their differences! We will look into the most famous landmarks in Europe and what they represent as well as finding out lots of interesting facts!



Keep checking ClassDojo and the school Facebook page for updates on how we are getting on!


We cannot wait to see what journey the rest of this academic year takes us on and what experiences we have together!


Miss Devanney and Mrs Moorhouse heart



PE - Is on a Monday and Thursday. Please remember your PE kit and the appropriate clothes you need to wear for your kit. Don't forget a water bottle!


HOMEWORK -  Spellings will be given termly and stuck inside the front cover and tests will take place on a Friday. Homework will be stuck into books on a Friday as is to be completed by Wednesday. Please make sure homework books are returned to school.


UNIFORM - We have a beautiful uniform at St Mary's and we pride ourselves on our fantastic appearance. Please make sure you attend school in the correct uniform, always looking lovely and neat!



It is so important to keep up the level of reading you do in school at home. When you have read at home and get your record signed by an adult you can collect stickers on our class chart! The more stickers you get, the more chance of some amazing prizes! Also, a Reader of the Week certificate is up for grabs! What an achievement! 

