
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Year Three

W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   Y E A R  3  C L A S S   P A G E  


A very warm welcome to all of our Year 3 children, parents and visitors. We are very excited about having a year full of fantastic learning, exploration and laughter together.  For any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to speak to us at the end of the school day.

Please check out Class Dojos for weekly updates of all the exciting learning we get up to!




Miss Cunningham, Miss White and Mrs Keeton heart



This half-term we are... HISTORIANS


This half-term, we will explore what life was like in Britain before written records began, as well as what we can learn from evidence in the form of archaeological sites, human remains, and physical objects. Pupils first look at the people of the early Stone Age (Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods) before discovering the impact of agriculture during the Neolithic period. They will then look at the changes brought by the use of metals such as bronze during the Bronze Age and iron in the Iron Age. After studying the three ages of prehistory, we will investigate Stonehenge and discover what it tells us about the people who once lived in prehistoric Britain. Stonehenge remains a mystery in many ways and was used throughout each of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages.




Check out our Knowledge End Point document for more information on what we will be learning this half term!











Important Reminders




Spellings for the week will go out with the children on Monday and we will do a spelling test on Friday. Please encourage your child to practice their spellings at home as there will be DOJO points available to children that have worked hard!



Our PE days are: Monday and Thursday.

Please bring your full PE kit with you on both days (indoor and outdoor wherever possible would be brilliant!)




Children will be given homework on a Friday and it will be due back in on the following Wednesday - DOJO points will be awarded to children that give their homework in on time.



It is so incredibly important to read at home! When you have read at home and get your record signed by an adult you can collect stickers on our class chart and be in with a chance of winning a prize! 



We have a beautiful uniform at St Mary's and we pride ourselves on our fantastic appearance. Please make sure you attend school in the correct uniform, always looking lovely and neat!






