At St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School RSE ensures our young people are equipped with the knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence to manage expectations and diversity of modern society. Pupils explore cultural diversity through differing friendships and family scenarios. This provides our pupils with a sense of self and a developing understanding of those around them. An essential part of our RSE curriculum is preparing our young people for the physical, emotional and social circumstantial changes that they will experience across their lives. This includes open and positive discussions around puberty, sexual and platonic relationships. Our RSE curriculum provides our young people with the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships. It supports a positive view of human sexuality and dignity of the human person. Thus, providing our young people with the ability to make practical judgments about the right thing to do in particular circumstances. Moreover, our RSE curriculum explores and promotes virtues which are essential to promoting respect and dignity. All of this is done within the doctrine of the Catholic Church. As a school we are faithful to the Church's vision of human wholeness whilst recognising the contemporary context in which we live today.