
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Easter 2022

Whole School Easter Mass


After our Easter break, the whole school took part in a beautiful Mass which was led by our G.I.F.T team. This Mass reminded us not only of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, but also the miracle of His resurrection. 


We gathered together with the whole school and the parish community, to celebrate the great feast of Easter. The Gospel reading explained how God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.


It was also a time for reflection as well as celebration as sometimes our relationship with God and with others is in need of repair.  Jesus made us one with God again by his death and resurrection, and that’s what we remember today. 

Our children made Easter cards for all the parishioners and gave them out during mass

The Easter Story, by Year 1

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