
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Year Six

W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   Y E A R  6  C L A S S   P A G E  


Welcome to Year 6

Oh wow, it's our last half-term together! I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown. I am so incredibly proud of all the hard work and determination each and everyone has shown so far this year.

This half-term is jam packed full of more learning, preparing for Year 7 and secondary school transition days and activities. 

If your child is a member of our class, please familiarise yourself with this page as we will post updates and showcase all the fantastic work the children have been creating.



Please check out Class Dojos for weekly updates of all the exciting learning we get up to!

For any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to speak to me at the end of the school day.


Miss Cunningham, Mr McCay and Miss Cairns heart





This half-term we are... HISTORIANS

We will be exploring the world of the... Ancient Greeks. This is one of the most exciting time periods to study, so many incredible myths and legends to read, as well as understanding how these significant people still influence the world today!

This unit is designed to explore Greek life, the achievements of Ancient Greece and its influence on the western world.



 Our historical learning journey

Who were the Ancient Greeks and how did they influence the world?

Lesson one - Who were the first Greek civilisations and how do we know about them? 

Lesson two – How was ancient Greece ruled?

Lesson three – Why were the Persian Wars and democracy part of the Golden Age of Greece?

Lesson four – Who were the Athenians and Spartans, and how did they compare?

   Lesson five – What did Alexander the Great achieve and why was he influential?

           Lesson six – Why are some of the achievements of the Ancient Greeks still important today?




Important Reminders



Spellings for the week will go out with the children on Monday and we will do a spelling test on Friday. Please encourage your child to practice their spellings at home as there will be DOJO points available to children that have worked hard!



Our PE day is: Monday.

Please come to school in your PE kit on a Monday morning and bring your school uniform with you. 



Children will be given homework on a Friday and it will be due back in on the following Monday - DOJO points will be awarded to children that give their homework in on time!



It is so incredibly important to read at home! When you have read at home and get your record signed by an adult you can collect stickers on our class chart! The more stickers you get, the more chance of some amazing prizes! 




We have a beautiful uniform at St Mary's and we pride ourselves on our fantastic appearance. Please make sure you attend school in the correct uniform, always looking lovely and neat!



Our Class Timetable

Our Immersive Classroom!

Useful links for you at home!
