
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Year Six

• Welcome to Our Year 6 Class Page •


Welcome to our Year 6 class page! Here, you can explore all the learning and activities we have been working on throughout our time in Year 6. Be sure to check regularly for important information about our lessons and upcoming events. 


We can't wait to read, play, pray and grow together on your journey through your last year of Primary School! heart


Miss Walker & Mr McCay smiley


         • Important Reminders! •





• PE - PE is every Monday morning with Mr O'Neill. Please come to school wearing the correct PE kit each week and be prepared for indoor and outdoor PE. Don't forget your water bottle and sensible PE trainers. You must bring your full school uniform to school to change into.


•  HOMEWORK -  Homework is given every Friday and is to be completed and handed in by Thursday. New spellings will be given termly and stuck inside the front cover of your homework book. Please do practise them at home, ready for our spelling test each Friday!


•  UNIFORM - Please make sure to wear the correct school uniform every day so we can all be smart and ready. If you need any help with uniform please speak to Miss Walker!

             • Conflict and Resolution •


Our History topic for this term is Conflict and Resolution. We will answer the enquiry question; 'How and why did Britain fight in two world wars, and how did they change British society?' 

We will research the first and second world war and how they shaped the society we live in today!




Spring 1 Timetable

Spring 1 Spellings List
