
St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

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Year Five

Year 5 have visited Grimm & Co. for a creative writing workshop, we had to create a class story and finished off the day by sliding down a green beanstalk!

Summer 2 Timetable

This Summer term we are learning:


Topic - History of Ancient Baghdad


Science - Life Cycles


We are also starting a food project in DT, Olympics in Spanish and moving on to Volleyball in PE!

Summer PE Days


  • Our PE days are Thursday and Friday
  • Please remember to bring your correct PE kit on these days.



W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   Y E A R   5   C L A S S   P A G E  



Welcome to Year 5!

Class Teacher: Miss Walker

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Goodfellow


Welcome to Year 5. We are delighted to welcome you back to school and look forward to working with you all! We can't wait to see you flourish and grow, and to celebrate all of your successes this year! In Year 5, we work hard, never give up, and always try our best. When we work together we know that we can achieve amazing things! heart






W H A T   E L S E   A R E   W E   L E A R N I N G ?


Maths - This term our topics are fractions and percentages, decimals and 3D shapes!


English - We will be learning how to write a character description and a poem!


Reading - This term we are studying Parvana's Journey.

Reading will take place daily and children will learn a range of skills to help them with their comprehension and understanding. Your child will have a reading book from school to take home and are encouraged to read at least 3 times a week. 


Science - Our topic this term is Life Cycles.


RE - Our topics this term will be 'Pentecost'. All of our RE lessons focus on making links, describing, showing understanding, giving reasons and showing how.





N O T I C E   B O A R D


PE DAYS - Tuesday and Thursday - Please bring outdoor and indoor kit where possible.


HOMEWORK - New homework and spellings will be given out every Friday, ready for a spelling test on the following Friday afternoon. Please return homework books by Wednesday.


UNIFORM - We have a beautiful uniform at St Mary's and we pride ourselves on our fantastic appearance. Please make sure you attend school in the correct uniform, always looking lovely and neat!

O U R    C L A S S    G A L L E R Y 

Please see our wonderful learning showcased below!
